micro madness video contest
In 2012, KORG Worldwide is celebrating the microKORGfs 10th Birthday! In honor of this special occasion, we would like you to show us what the microKORG/microKORG XL means to you and how it helps you bring out your best performances.
“ú–{Œê English   

The entry period is over!
To Enter:
  1. Enter the Promotion by submitting your video entry via YouTube.
  2. Naming Your Entry: The title of your video entry must start with gKORG microMADNESSh
  3. Tagging Your Entry: Use the gTagh field to select the correct category for your entry. Enter gKORG microMADNESS microKORGh in the tag field when uploading your video to submit your entry.

All submissions must meet the regulations on the Guideline page.

*Prizes: The top four winners will each receive one of the very first units with serial number 1 from the following products: microKorg-Black, microKorg-Black/Red, microKorg XL+-Black, and microKorg XL+-Black/Red.(*One product per person; Korg reserves the right to select prize)

For other languages and local info, please visit your local KORG Distributor's website.
microKORGmicroKORG XL
microKORGmicroKORG XL


1st Place
Name : Dominick Wolczko
Title : "Unleash The microORGANISM" by Dominick Wolczko
Nationality : USA
Awesome! Therefs so much great stuff going on in this video!
Engaging, informative, highly entertaining. The professor rocks Micro!
Hyper-professional video with super creativity, good music. Good presentation on MicroKorg... Bravo!

2nd Place
Name : microkorgfan4life
Title : In Love
Nationality : Germany
Demonstrated great skill with stop-motion; the use of microKORG as the star and clever relevant props as part of the story were well executed.
A great idea followed by a perfect storybook. Good music coupled with attractive visuals to communicate the ideas creatively.
Fantastic idea, so innovative. We've seen it many times... because we just love watching it.

3rd Place
Name : Jason Christian
Title : I Love You, microKORG
Nationality : Singapore
It was made very politely - and we understand how Jason-san came to love microKORG!!
Wefre feeling the love from this entry. After all those years, theyfre still making beautiful music together ? as it should be!
A great idea with this clip; good movie with his best friend always near (microKORG). We like the storybook.

4th Place
Name : raybancalifornia
Nationality : Portugal
Another great animated video. We enjoyed the colorful imagery and gdrawn-on-filmh style animation.
Great creativity and a well done storybook yield an appealing result. The imagery is amazing and has big entertainment value.
Nice animated video. There was obviously a lot of time spent on this wonderful entry.

What's New

Announcing the winners of Korg microMADNESS Video Contest! And special thanks to ALL of you for participating in this contest.

The entry period is over! Thank you for many good videos!

Announcing the prizes for the microMadness Video Contest!

Cobra Starship's Ryland Blackington and Alex Suarez take some time to sit down and talk to us about Korg's microMADNESS contest.

Entries for the microMADNESS contest are now viewable on our official contest page!

Announcing microMADNESS Video Contest!

What's New

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